lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Toulouse, France

My first stop in France was delightful. The people at the hostel were fabulous. We easily chatted despite the cultural differences, I'm American, John an Englishman, Dea from Berlin and Massimiliano from, you guessed it, Italy! Lovely town as well, I was sore to leave but there was more of France to explore.

The first day I just did my initial walk around the city, as you read from the excerpt from my journal day 20, I had crepes. Last night i had a meal to remember. A girl from the hostel and i went to "le mason du cassoulet" and had the cassoulet. It was INCREDIBLE. Cassoulet is the dish of south west france, so this was definitely the place to have it. For 20€ we had a delicious glass of red wine, a small salad, a giant portion of cassoulet and to finish it all off, a perfect molten chocolate lava cake (or the French version thereof). I was in heaven for every delicious and mouthwatering bite of it. I left there so happy, satisfied and full i never thought I'd eat again... Silly me. I'm in France! Of course i was going to eat again, in fact, i ate so much today in Montpellier that i had no choice but to return to my hotel and put on "stretchy pants" and lie down for a nap. Food coma. Epic food coma. I ate an entire baguette, followed by a pain au chocolat and thennnnn a crepe filled with nutella and bananas. Not even remotely healthy. But do i care? Nay. I will continue to eat this way for the rest of my trip. (I'm not living in reality right now, so why eat like it?)

Tomorrow is off to Nice, a part of my journey I'm especially excited about. I've done loads of research ( even more than for the rest of my travels, if that can be possible) and have found some restaurants that people rave about that seems to be in my price range.

I'll be sure to update soon.

À voutre santé.


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