viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

The Drunken Hungarian and the People I Live With

So I´ve been completely sick for the past couple days but decided to go enjoy a night out with a few people from the hostel.  Afterall, it was free admission and a free drink to a local reggae club and I rumor has it that whiskey is quite good for a sore throat... :)  So we arrive like typical Spaniards at 12:30(in the morning, sorry Mom...) and ít was kind of overwhelming.  After grabbing a drink with this English bloke Matthew Snape (Yes, like the Harry Potter character.  According to him, his family is/was the inspiration for the Snape character.  But can you really trust an Englishman?  The answer is "no" by the way...).  We ended up talking for a while, hanging out, talking to native spaniards and enjoying the live music and DJ.  After a while the drunkest Hungarian comes up to us.  Now, I´ve only met one other Hungarian and he wasn´t drunk at all, but for the sake of the story, this particular Hungarian at the bar was THE DRUNKEST HUNGARIAN I EVER MET!  And he was pretty drunk.  He didn´t speak English and his Spanish was at the 202 level at best and made even worse by the incredible slur and thick Hungarian accent.  Being as sick as I was, I could barely stand being in the bar let alone being clung to by an insanely unintelligible drunken spanish speaking hungarian.  Fast forward 2 hours later...

The Drunken Hungarian (from here on out to be referred to as The DH) wanted to dance.  Mierda.  How do I get myself out of this one?  It seems that the only thing The DH wanted more than a dance with yours truly was a cigarrette and I happened to know just the place for him to smoke- outside, without me.  So I led him gently to the exit.  Close one.  Fast forward 6 minutes and one cigarrette later...

He´s baaaaccckkk.  And so the night went.  I´ll spare you the details of how amusing his dancing was but finally it was 4:00(again, sorry Mom) and this American needed sleep.  So I get rid of The DH tell Matt it´s time to go and leave.  But who comes running up, seemingly out of nowhere... THE DH.  Fortunately, I am a ninja.  And in the DH fled for his life after threatening his life.  Apparently he was smart.  :)

Aside from this event, Spain has been very laid back.  I´ve been trying to sleep a lot and just eat delicious food.  I´ve been meeting some fabulous people here in the Hostel and basically just throwing myself into hanging out with people.  Lots of different cultures and backgrounds.  It´s just really interesting to sit around the kitchen and chat and stuff.  I suppose I´ll list the most important characters if you will of my story so far...

1:  Mary, Adriana and Alice:  They were here when I first got here.  Americans studying abroad in Dublin.  We got along famously for the time they were here and they have invited me to Dublin!  Which, of course I´m taking full advantage of. 

2:  Rachel:  Also an American, studying in Madrid though.  She´s a long term-er like I.  She´s been here a month before I even got here. 

3:  Warren:  An English guy, who is a bit older than the rest of us, I´d say... late 30s?  He´s fabulous and I´ve been spending tons of time with him.  He lives in Madrid but is sort of transient and is waiting for his apartment to become available.  I may end up renting his apt. from him.  He´s fabulously gay.  :)

4:  Jessica:  American, from Arkansas doing a Eurorail trip all around Europe.  She´s incredibly loud but she is so nice and is kind of an angel- she works with kids who were like victims of rape and stuff.  It´s incredible.  Today was her last day. 

Those are the main players.  There are others but I haven´t spent much time with the rest. 

Okay.  Want photos? 

Family Dinner Night at Kaitlin and Ollie´s

Cafe con leche and Brownie with ice cream :)

Puerta Alcalá

Warren and I in Plaza Dos de Mayo

Love and miss all of you.  Sorry the entry was so long.  :)

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