lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Day 21 - Heading to France - excerpt from my personal journal

"Day 21. Train to France. 26 March 2011

It's 7:45 in the morning and I'm sitting on the train to Hendaye, France at the Eusko Train Station.  Got out of bed at 6:40 to walk the 20 minutes to the station that leaves every half hour.  I believe the journey will only take about an hour.  I'm really excited!  I wish they could stamp my passport... It's my first time in France.  Hopefully I can look back at this one day and have returned many times.  Okay, the train is shaky.  Must stop writing for now.

8:30. Well, I made it to France!  I have also booked my train to Toulouse with a stop over in Bayonne.  Right now I'm at the bar across the street, Case José, enjoying my first real café au lait.  The owner surprisingly (or maybe not so) speaks French, Euskera, Spanish and English.  Well done, sir.  I have roughly two hours to kill but walking with my bag is not an option, so I'll enjoy my café and then go read.

First meal in France is at a creperie called Le Sherpa on rue de Taur.  I had two crepes- "island" with smoked salmon, creme fraiche and herbs and the other, with a name I'll never remember, had cheese, mushrooms and pesto.  Yummy, but too much,  plus it was 13€, too much money for me."

Paint on the wall at Le Sherpa

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