martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Los gatos and the theory of mañana...

Weird title right?  Yeah, I know.  Let me explain.  So un gato literally means "cat".  However, it is also has become what people call Madrileños, or people from Madrid.  It started quite some time ago, the exact amount I´m not sure of but that´s really not that important.  But I would say, at basically the start of the city of  Madrid because there was this giant wall that was built to keep people out of the city.  This king wanted to get into Madrid but couldn´t because of the wall that he couldn´t get around  One day there came this guy, who said to the king, "Listen, King.  I can get you into the city- I´m an amazing climber."  And so this guy climbed one hell of a wall and got the king into the city.  They nicknamed this guy "El gato".  After a while "gato" started to refer to people of exceptional bravery, and after an even longer time, it just refered to all Madrileños, not just the brave ones.

This is the remaining part of the wall.

Now that you have the story of  "los gatos" now I need to explain the theory of mañana.  Everyone knows what stereotypes are.  And mostly, they are pretty funny and accurate.  Well one stereotype of Spaniards is that they are lazy- they have siestas and don´t work hard.  Well the theory of mañana is this exact theory.  For centuries Spaniards have had visions of grandeur only to succumb to this inevitable feeling of "mañana, we´ll start mañana."  And then mañana turns into days, weeks, months, and even 150 years.  There are many examples of this theory at work, but one is the city hall in Madrid, which took los gatos 150 years after the conception of the idea to even start.  That´s funny right?  See, stereotypes are so funny!

Okay.  Enough history right?  I´m assuming you want to see photos and you may even have the slightest interest in my well being and how Í´m fairing in this city since you´re following my blog!  So!  Here we go...

Yesterday and today have been beauuuuutiful out.  Like 56 degrees, sunny (so it feels warmer) and packed with happy Spaniards walking around enjoying life, or "aprovechando la vida" as we say here in Spain. Yesterday I went to this amazing outdoor market called El Rostro.  It´s basically 20 blocks or so of vendors selling things from food, to clothes to hookah tubes and naked barbie dolls.  Seriously.

So after this market we did a lot more walking.  We ran into this place that used to be where Franco stored all his amunition and guns and stuff and has since turned into a public library.  It´s pretty haggard looking on the outside because it was bombed.  hmmm...

And then we found the most amazing market called "Mercado de San Miguel".  It´s incredible.  It was started a super long time ago but was just refurbished within the last decade to make it awesome.  Anthony Bourdain came here. 
The entrance...

Some wine....

Some fruit...

Some tarts...

If you want to see more of my photos, you should go to my Facebook and check my albums.

And then from here Kaitlin and Ollie left while Mary, Adrianna and I went to get some tapas right near Plaza Mayor.  And we did that for a couple hours, had a pitcher of Sangria and enjoyed an AMAZING plate of cheese...

There was Sheep, Goat, roquefort, camenbert and idiazabal.  wow...

Okay.  Well.  I don´t feel super well today, but I´m going to muscle through and get a coffee and go to the museums today because it´s supposed to rain. 


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