sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Sick in Spain

So yesterday sucked.  There is really no other way to put it.  I woke up at 5AM in the hostel and felt incredibly ill and ill I most definitely was.  If you have a sensitive stomach, skip the rest of the paragraph.   For the next 4-5 hours I vomited every 15 minutes.  It was terrible.  I would sleep for 15 minutes in the bathroom stalls, the vomit.  I tried to drink water and mint tea and immediately would expel that.  I was so dehydrated I couldn´t stand and to make it all worse, I had to check out of the hostel that morning.  It took me 6 attempts to get all my luggage out of my room and to pack up.  I could only stand for like 10 minutes before needing to run to the bathroom or sit down because I thought I was going to pass out.  At around 8:30 I decided to just go to my friends apartment, litteraly a block away.  So I mustered up all my strength and walked down the flight of stairs and down the block to their apartment.  I got as far as their corner before vomitting, then as far as their foyer before vomitting in a trashcan.  As soon as I got into their apartment, they took one look at me and immediately got me anti-nauseau medicine (which I immediately threw up).  Needless to say, I went straight to the doctor, Doctor Borras, a South American born, Texas raised, doctor in Spain who has a deal for university students NOT from Spain.  (for 42€ he will see you and give you a perscription or whatever)  He diagnosed me, in perfect English, with what most likely was food poisoning. 

Thank god I got better, I finally could keep down some food, and today I am 100%.  In fact, Ollie and Kaitlin and I went to Retiro Park for a picnic.  We made out own tortilla española and bought chips and chocolate napolitanas and cokes and it was awesome! We took a nap in the park right by the Palacio de Cristal, which is beautiful. Sort of looks like a bird cage house, made of glass.

Tonight, I think we might go get a drink outside in the plaza near where we live, Plaza Dos de Mayo. However, they were not feeling so well when I left them just a little bit ago.

Tomorrow I will go to the train station and figure out my Eurail pass, I needn't activate it before my trip and since I'm leaving Thursday, I need to get on that!

Miss everyone!

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